Over the past few months we’ve been busy preparing the company for the future.

We have updated our core network with new hardware and increased to a higher capacity, giving us room to grow and to move our server infrastructure to be able to be managed fully in-house. Some of you have experienced our excitement at visits from engineers digging holes in roads and with fibre splicing tools in hand (and at a router that didn’t have its configuration correctly saved!).

As well as updating our core network serving our offices and servers, and starting work on updating our wireless Points-of-Presence to match we have joined become members of a number of important organisations.

Our RIPE membership means that we now have our own independent IP space, no longer reliant on upstream providers for addresses that could be revoked. In short, it makes us a ‘Proper’ Internet Service Provider.

The trade association for Wireless Internet Service Providers.

Allowing us better access to the .uk domain name space without having to work through resellers

Ombudsman Services
For independent complaint handling. This is actually a requirement of providing internet services that some smaller providers forgo.

Outside of memberships we now also have access to the full portfolio of Openreach services – copper and FTTP (so as well as broadband, we can do line rental – for a full package in one bill) as well as access to OFNL fibre which is being installed in lots of new build residential and commercial developments.

Whilst we’ve provided FTTC (and WTTP) for some time now, our first FTTP customers on Openreach have gone live over the past month, and we’re looking forward to providing to the new housing developments around the area through both Openreach and OFNL (depending on the development!).

Over the next few weeks, our consumer broadband branding will go live – it may not be as cheap as the ‘big guys’, but we’re local and responsive if there’s any issues.

Onwards and upwards! Watch this space!